South Surrey Strata – Concrete Slicing


Just kidding… kind of.

True Level has some exciting news: We recently launched a new service called concrete slicing!

Gone are the days of messy concrete grinding. Now, if you have a tripping hazard due to tree roots, or a bad original pour, True Level has a solution! We’re here to keep your sidewalks clean, neat and safe so you can walk fearlessly again. Not to mention, we are the only ones in town who offer slicing in conjunction with PolyLevel, so we can lift the areas around your home that have settled, and we can also use slicing where necessary – the best of both worlds!

For this project,  True Level was contacted by the strata council of this South Surrey complex to slice a section of concrete that had been a tripping hazard for residents since it was originally poured. The concrete slab had to be sliced down smoothly in order to create a gradual incline rather than a 3″ ledge.

Here’s what happened:
  1. True Level arrived in style and did a walk-through of the affected areas with strata council member
  2. Cleaned the area and marked in chalk where we would be slicing
  3. Sliced the concrete seamlessly, while hosing the area down to suppress the dust
  4. Crew cleaned the work area
  5. Foreman did a final walk through with council member for approval before leaving site


Ultimately, True Level completed this work within 2 hours. We sliced seamlessly and solved a major safety hazard in complex filled with older residents. Have you noticed tripping hazards around your home or complex? Give us a call today, or sign up for a free estimate!


Date: March 2019
Time: Half a day to complete job.
Certified Concrete Repair Specialist: True Level Concrete
Products used: SlicePro